Membership Fees:


Membership Duration:

Months:12 Days:0

By joining or renewing your membership as a lawyer, you are confirming that you are in good standing with your provincial or territorial law society.

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Membership Fees:


Membership Duration:

Months:12 Days:0

By joining or renewing your membership as as an associate member, you are confirming that you are in good standing with your respective regulatory body (e.g., the ICCRC for consultants, the LSUC for paralegals licensed in Ontario, etc.)

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Membership Fees:


Membership Duration:

Months:12 Days:0

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Membership Fees:


Membership Duration:

Months:12 Days:0

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Membership Fees:


Membership Duration:

Months:12 Days:0

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Membership Fees:


Membership Duration:

Months:12 Days:0

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Please note that membership fees are annual, and valid for 1 year starting from the date of payment.

Government employees are not eligible to be CARL members given the nature of our work.

View the membership terms