Further to CARL’s recent webinar on the Afghanistan crisis, we are making the following materials available to all:

Frequently Asked Questions: Refugee Resettlement, Sponsorship, Afghanistan. 

Available in French and English.

Refugee Issues to Raise with Federal Election Candidates:  The Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers (CARL) is encouraging members to contact federal election candidates in their riding—via social media, at their doorstep, or otherwise—to raise two issues affecting refugees: (1) Canada’s response to the crisis in Afghanistan, and (2) expanding paths to permanent residence for COVID frontline workers.

Read more here.

Open letter to Minister Mendicino:  CARL is calling on the federal government, and leaders of all political parties, to make further commitments to ensure Canada’s response to the Afghan crisis is robust, meaningful, and accessible to the most vulnerable[.]” 

Read more here.