CARL’s Fall 2023 National Conference [REPLAY]
Thursday, October 19, 2023
8:00AM (PDT) / 11:00AM (EDT) / 12:00PM (ADT)
Conference recording is available here. Supporting materials are available here. Professor Cameron’s paper is available here.
Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers (CARL) welcomes you to join us for our Fall 2023 National Conference, taking place on Thursday, October 19, 2023. Conference topics will include:
- Everything you need to know about Internal Flight Alternatives – procedural fairness, the legal test, and strategies for top source countries
- Climate refugees and how they fit into the refugee definition
- Using the IRB’s new Guideline 8 on Procedural Accommodations and Substantive Considerations as a tool of advocacy for your client
- How to effectively interview claimants when preparing BOCs – and challenging the IRB’s current approach to BOC omissions when they occur
- Reconsiderations and re-openings – when are they available, when to choose one instead of the other, and how to prepare an effective application
The conference is national in scope, with in-person locations in Vancouver, Toronto, Ottawa, Montréal and Halifax, as well as a Zoom option for remote attendees:
- Vancouver: ISSofBC Vancouver Welcome Center, 2610 Victoria Drive, Vancouver, BC V5N 4L2 (Room 201 and 202)
- Toronto: Munk School of Global Affairs, 1 Devonshire Place, Toronto, ON M5S 3K7 (Vivian & David Campbell Conference Facility)
- Ottawa: Carleton University, Richcraft Hall 1125 Colonel By Dr, Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6 (Room 2228)
- Montréal: UQAM, 201 Av. du Président-Kennedy, Montréal, QC H2X 3Y7 (Salle PK-1140)
- Halifax: McInnes Cooper Tower, Purdy’s Wharf, 13th Floor, 1969 Upper Water St., Halifax, NS B3J 3R7 (Multipurpose Room)
7:30AM (PDT)
10:30AM (EDT) 11:30AM (ADT) |
Breakfast refreshments (provided by the conference), registration and opportunity to meet your colleagues | |
8:00AM (PDT)
11:00AM (EDT) 12:00PM (ADT) |
8:05AM (PDT)
11:05AM (EDT) 12:05PM (ADT) |
OPENING REMARKS | Warda Shazadi Meighen (Toronto) and Nicholas Hersh (Ottawa) |
8:15AM (PDT)
11:15AM (EDT) 12:15PM (ADT) |
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT INTERNAL FLIGHT ALTERNATIVE (IFA) Internal flight alternative (IFA) is an essential element of the international refugee definition – and one on which many claims are rejected. This panel aims to equip lawyers with the latest caselaw and strategies for addressing IFA. In terms of procedural fairness, the speakers will address what type of advanced notice a decision-maker must give when raising an IFA (at the RPD, RAD and PRRA); what is meant by an “opportunity to respond”; what to do you when you’re in a hearing and lack familiarity with the identified IFA. In terms of substantive law, the speakers will address the two-part test for an IFA and novel factors to advance in convincing a decision-maker than an IFA is unsafe or unreasonable. Lastly, the speakers will be highlighting some IFA arguments/evidence from some of the top source countries. |
SPEAKERS: Ayesha Kumararatne and Courtney Shields (Ottawa)
MODERATOR: Darcy Golden (Vancouver) |
9:15AM (PDT)
12:15PM (EDT) 1:15PM (ADT) |
CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE EVOLVING INTERNATIONAL REFUGEE DEFINITION The international refugee definition is ever evolving and its newest frontier will be climate refugees. The speakers will address the possible entry points in s.96 and 97 of the IRPA for incorporating climate migration / climate refugees as well as what are some of the barriers. They will also be addressing where else in the IRPA could climate migration / climate refugees be considered. In doing so, the speakers will be reviewing the international jurisprudence on this topic and the newly emerging domestic jurisprudence as well as highlighting CARL’s own recently published policy paper on climate migration / climate refugees. |
SPEAKERS: Warda Shazadi Meighen and Rachel Bryce (Toronto)
MODERATOR: Tania Princz-Lebel (Ottawa) |
9:45AM (PDT)
12:45PM (EDT) 1:45PM (ADT) |
CARL’s Annual General Meeting of Members CARL annual general meeting (AGM) allows our members to vote on important matters relating to the organization. At this AGM, we will be voting to (i) adopt CARL’s financial statements; (ii) renew the terms of CARL Executive members whose 2-year terms are coming to a close; and (iii) on a special resolution to change the composition of the Executive. Also at the AGM, we are excited to award the annual Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers Advocacy Award (the “CARLAA”) to this year’s worthy recipients. Find out who this year’s CARLAA winner is at the AGM. |
Chair: Aviva Basman (Toronto) |
10:10AM (PDT)
1:10PM (EDT) 2:10PM (ADT) |
Lunch (provided by the conference) | |
11:00AM (PDT)
2:00PM (EDT) 3:00PM (ADT) |
HOW TO EFFECTIVELY INTERVIEW CLAIMANTS AND HOW TO DEAL WITH BOC OMISSIONS WHEN THEY OCCUR This panel brings together Dr. Ronald Fisher and Dr. Hilary Evans Cameron, who are both experts in their fields and have jointly conducted training for IRB Members. Dr. Fisher is an expert in the effective interviewing of witness – how to craft questions and conduct interviews to ensure that you are receiving the most useful and complete information. He has experience in developing interviewing techniques for witnesses of terrorist attacks and other disasters and is well versed in explaining and incorporating how trauma can effect memory. Dr. Fisher will be adapting his research to give participants best practice techniques for interviewing refugee claimants when preparing Basis of Claim narratives. Dr. Cameron is an expert on the assessment of credibility in refugee status determination. Amongst her many insightful publications is her recent 2023 paper: Sin of Omission: Exploring a Key Credibility Inference in Canadian Refugee Status Rejections. Dr. Cameron will interrogate the IRB’s uses and misuses of Basis of Claim omissions in its credibility assessments, including how lawyers can best explain to a decision-maker that an omission can nonetheless be consistent with a truthful claimant. |
SPEAKERS: Hilary Evans Cameron and Ronald Fisher (Toronto)
MODERATOR: Heather Neufeld (Ottawa) |
12:00PM (PDT)
3:00PM (EDT) 4:00PM (ADT) |
This summer, the IRB published its Chairperson’s Guideline 8: Accessibility to IRB Proceedings — Procedural Accommodations and Substantive Considerations. At almost three times the length of the previous guideline it replaced, the new Guideline 8 is essential reading for lawyers appearing before the IRB. The speaker will highlight specific tools, accommodations, and guidance detailed in the Guideline that effective counsel should be using and citing in their cases. Attendees will gain a strong grasp of what provisions of the new Guideline 8 every lawyer should have at their fingertips going into a hearing and what provisions could be expanded further by counsel to benefit clients. |
SPEAKER: Juliana Dalley (Vancouver)
MODERATOR: Kate Webster (Toronto) |
12:30PM (PDT)
3:30PM (EDT) 4:30PM (ADT) |
Break | |
1:00PM (PDT)
4:00PM (EDT) 5:00PM (ADT) |
STRATEGIES WHEN FACING A NEGATIVE DECISION – HOW AND WHEN TO CHOOSE BETWEEN JR, RE-OPENING OR RECONSIDERATION No one wants to receive a negative decision for a client. But it is important to know how to select the correct recourse when you do. This panel will explore the three main recourses available to clients – judicial review, reopening, and reconsideration. The speakers will distinguish each option, what the pros and cons of each are, and help to identify scenarios in which you should be selecting one over the other. The speakers will also be delving into more detail into reopenings at the IRB and reconsiderations in IRCC applications, including identifying the applicable legal tests and providing best practices for preparing an effective application. |
SPEAKERS: Anthony Navaneelan (Toronto) and Patil Tutunjian (Montréal) MODERATOR: Nicholas Hersh (Ottawa) |
2:00PM (PDT)
5:00PM (EDT) 6:00PM (ADT) |
CLOSING REMARKS | Aviva Basman (Toronto) |
Member (Early Bird Until October 6) | Member | Non-Member | |
Lawyer | $110 | $130 | $150 |
Associate | $80 | $100 | $120 |
Articling Student | $60 | $80 | $100 |
NGOs/Academics | $60 | $80 | $100 |
Students | $20 | $40 | $50 |
*Please note that membership in CARL is free for students
Should you need assistance with the fees, please contact
Ontario : 3.5 h (substantive); 0.5 h (professionalism)
British Columbia: 4.0 hours
Québec : 4.0 hours
Payment should be made by credit card. If you have any questions or concerns please email
In order to qualify for your membership discount, please register using the email you had provided upon joining CARL. Should you not recall your membership password, please click on the ‘forgot your password’ link and input your email address when prompted. You will be emailed a new password within a couple hours. If our registration software is not recognizing that you are a current member, please contact
If you are unsure whether your membership has lapsed, please contact to receive details about your membership status.
Given the nature of material to be discussed, we respectfully ask that federal government employees not attend this conference.
Please contact us at with any questions or concerns. We’re happy to help!